DATE: 25-03-2014 |


Barack Obama visits the Rijksmuseum, thanks to IGG !!

DATE: 25-03-2014


Barack Obama visits the Rijksmuseum, thanks to IGG !!


Arno Vonk


Arno Vonk

Have you seen it ?
So has Barack Obama , President of the United States of America who appreciated the newly opened Rijksmuseum aided by the budgetary control of IGG.

In 2002 IGG was commissioned by Cruz y Ortiz Arquitectos , of Hoogevest Architects, Arcadis and Rijksgebouwendienst for the construction cost management for the conversion, refurbishment and extension of the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam. Changes to the scope of works and other factors extended the project delaying reopening until 2013,  but some things are worth waiting for!

IGG has an excellent track record of involvement in museums and art galleries so their selection was no surprise. IGG has been concerned with other such establishments over many years calling upon their expertise in cost management for extensions and restorations such as;
– Naturalis in Leiden
– Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam
– Pont Museum in Tilburg
– Gemeentemuseum in The Hague
– Rijksmuseum Schiphol
– Meermanno Museum in The Hague
– Collection Building Boijmans van Beuningen in Rotterdam
– Las Palmas in Rotterdam
– The Dolhuys in Haarlem
– Archive Zeeland Middelburg
– Photo Museum Amsterdam
– City Museum Rotterdam
You see , if you wish to receive a prominent visitor in your museum we recommend having IGG undertake the construction cost management for the restoration and expansion of your museum!




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